What’s New
Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E. has been selected to be a pilot member of the New York State ICC/BCAP Energy Code Ambassador program. The International Code Council and Building Code Assistance Project created this program to assist code enforcement officials in taking a leading role in energy-efficient buildings. New York Sate is one of only four states nationwide to participate in the pilot program.
Recent Projects
- Review of the circumstances involved in a trip and fall accident at a sidewalk curb cut at a major retail store in Commack, NY
- Consultation regarding water intrusion, flooding, and foundation damage at a structure in New City, NY
- Evaluation of an addition to a mixed-use structure for code compliance in Pearl River, NY
Worst Flooding in 200 Years Causes Multiple Damages In New England
On April 1st, the AP reported that “the worst flooding in 200 years could persist for several days and permanently close businesses already struggling in the weak economy.” The latest flooding in New England “was far worse than an inundation earlier this month in the same areas, and the ripple effects were vast and still being tallied: Hundreds were forced from their homes and thousands of properties lost power.” Also, “bridges and highways were washed out from Maine to Connecticut and sewage systems were overwhelmed to the point that families were asked to stop flushing toilets”.
The staff of Yarmus Engineering, P.C. has extensive experience in the prevention of water intrusion, including the design of water intrusion mediation systems and preventative measures. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients
Report Says Better Building Codes Save Energy
According to the Charlotte Business Journal’s (3/31, Stabley) “Going Green” blog, “buildings eat up a lot of energy, more than 40 percent of the total consumed in the United States. And that energy consumption correlates directly to air pollution.” In a report released Wednesday, “Environment North Carolina argues in favor of better building codes that stress energy-efficiency. The nonprofit also advocates for more investment in energy retrofits and weatherization programs.” A 38 percent cut “in energy use in North Carolina buildings by 2030 could save enough electricity to power more than 7 million homes annually”.
As indicated under the What’s New Section of this newsletter, Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to provide consultations and design services for energy savings construction/alteration projects. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients.