What’s New
Congratulations to Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E. on his being elected by his colleagues in the New York State Society of Professional Engineers as their Mid-Hudson Region Nominating Committee Delegate. Mr. Yarmus greatly appreciates the faith that his colleagues have displayed in bestowing this and prior honors upon him.
Recent Projects
- Evaluation of retaining wall failures, drainage swale conditions, and adequacy of municipal oversight during the development of a residential neighborhood located in Haverstraw, NY
- Evaluation of worksite safety procedures for compliance with industry practices where a worker fell to his death from a fire escape/scaffold during a facade renovation project in the Bronx, NY
- One of the world’s largest package delivery companies has requested that we evaluate the feasibility of and subsequently design a sanitary wastewater disposal system for their facility in Staten Island, NY
Haverstraw homeowner could face fine following boulder wall collapse.
Several years ago, David Figueroa, a homeowner in the village of Haverstraw, NY, noticed that a section of the retaining wall behind his home was beginning to fail. Mr. Figueroa decided to contact the village regarding his concerns, believing that this problem was caused by an inadequate drainage system installed by the developer, as well as a lack of oversight by the village during construction. The village consulted with their engineer and advised Mr. Figueroa that he was responsible for investigating and resolving the problem because the wall was located on his property. Earlier this year, after Mr. Figueroa notified the police that one of the larger boulders had fallen from the wall, the village’s Building Inspector was then called in, and issued an order for Mr. Figueroa to correct the problem. Mr. Figueroa was further advised that he could face a fine of as much as $1,000 or one-year imprisonment if he does not remedy the problem.
Mr. Figueroa decided to retain Yarmus Engineering, P.C. to render preliminary judgement, with a reasonable degree of Engineering Certainty, on the cause of the retaining wall failure at the rear of the premises, the conditions at the drainage swale adjacent to the retaining wall, and the adequacy of municipal oversight during development of the subject premises.
On May 14, 2009, LoHud.com ran an article summarizing this incident. Please click here to read the article.
If you believe that we can assist you or your clients with a similar situation, please feel free to contact our office.
New Legislation Enhances Construction, Demolition, and Abatement Safety.
On May 12, 2009, the Epoch Times reported that newly announced NYC legislation will enhance safety protocols, oversight, and inter-agency communication at construction, demolition, and abatement site across the city. The new legislation incorporates 33 recommendations to enhance standpipe and sprinkler safety, improve inter-agency communication, increase safety at construction and demolition sites, regulate oversight, and improve safety of asbestos abatement. The new legislation includes 11 different bills.
Please click here to read the article.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available toprovide consulting services for workplace and construction site safety to assist in complying with these and other similar regulations. Please contact our office if we can be assistance to you or your clients.