What’s New
The NYC Local Law 84 Benchmarking deadline is May 1st. Late filings will result in a minimum $500 fine. Additional information is available online.
Recent Projects
- Safety engineering evaluation of playground equipment for a Long Island, NY school district
- Consultation regarding lighting and levels of illumination for a national restaurant franchise
- Structural engineering evaluation and design of reinforcement for mechanical equipment support framing located at the headquarters of a multinational corporation located in Westchester County
Explosion rocks NYC; building collapses
On March 27th CNN.com reported that “inspectors from New York’s gas utility were at a building in Manhattan’s East Village on Thursday a little more than an hour before a fiery blast injured at least 19 people, at least four critically, leveled the structure and a neighboring one, officials said. The explosion appeared to be “gas-related,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said, adding there were no reports of gas leaks beforehand. The cause is under investigation”.
Unfortunately, similar gas explosion events seem to be in the news with regular frequency lately. Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to consult with building owners, property managers, condominium and cooperative boards, and other interested parties regarding gas piping and utility connections, HVAC equipment, corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST), etc. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.
Caring for Paved Surfaces
In their March 2015 edition The Cooperator asked “how solid is the ground on which you walk and drive upon in your community? The answer might surprise you, as could the amount of money that might be seeping from your community’s reserve fund from unnecessary repairs to driveways, parking lots, and sidewalks. Whether taking the form of sidewalks, parking lots and slabs, driveways, balconies, or outdoor design elements, paved surfaces are everywhere in New York’s co-op, condo and HOA communities”.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to consult with property owners and managers, condominium and cooperative boards, attorneys, and other interested parties regarding paving, concrete, structures, and other similar exterior grounds features, regarding maintenance inspections, specification of repairs, analysis of reserve funding needs, etc. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.