What’s New
Beginning April 6th, designs submitted for a building permit under the requirements of the NYS Uniform Fire Prevention & Building Code may comply with either the current Uniform Code or the new Code, which will go into effect on October 3, 2016. No such transition period exists for the newly adopted Energy Code which also has an effective date of October 3rd.
Recent Projects
- Measurement and analysis of the coefficient of friction, and associated slip resistance, offered by flooring in the lobby of a New York City office building
- Consultation regarding worker safety at a bakery and retail facility in Bronx, NY
- Forensic engineering consulting services on a matter involving worker safety at a beverage production plant in Westchester County, NY
NYC Dept. of Buildings to begin Issuing Violations and Stop Work Orders for Energy Code Infractions
On March 9, 2016 The New York State Society of Professional Engineers reported that “beginning March 2016, the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB) will issue DOB Violations for Energy Code Infractions that are Class 2 (major) violations, which carry a monetary penalty. Additionally, the DOB may also issue Stop Work Orders (SWO) for Energy Code Infractions and violations. If the cure date has passed, SWOs will not be lifted unless, the violation is paid and an approved certificate of correction has been obtained. Failure to correct violating condition(s) may negatively affect the ability to sell, refinance, and obtain a new Certificate of Occupancy or a Letter of Completion for a property..For more information, refer to this March 2016 DOB Bulletin“.Yarmus Engineering, P.C. makes it a priority to remain aware and knowledgeable of code developments, including those regarding energy codes, so that we can keep our clientele informed of such developments which might affect their properties and projects we are working on. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.
OSHA issues long-delayed silica rules
On March 24th The Hill reported on new OSHA regulations that we wrote about in our February 2016 newsletter. They wrote that “millions of construction and manufacturing workers will be protected from harmful silica dust under long-delayed rules from the Obama administration…The Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced Thursday it is cutting in half the level of silica workers can be exposed to on the job…Silica has been linked to lung cancer, kidney disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, according to the Labor Department, which estimates the new rules will save 600 lives a year…The Labor Department will cut the silica exposure rate to no more than 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air during the course of a regular, eight-hour work day”.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. makes it a priority to remain aware and knowledgeable of such developments regarding worker safety regulations, and we endeavor to keep our clientele informed of any legislation which might affect their projects we are consulting with them on. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.