What’s New
The eighth annual campaign for National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction is scheduled to take place this year from May 3-7, 2021. Historically, falls are the leading cause of fatalities in construction, accounting for one third of all fatalities in the industry. Resources for the event are available on the official website.
Recent Projects
- Evaluation of the design of a parking lot for local zoning and New York State Uniform Fire Prevention Code compliance for a restaurant located in Albany, NY
- Forensic engineering evaluation on behalf of a village in Westchester County, NY of an accident which occurred on the edge of a municipal roadway
- Building code compliance review, and structural and environmental engineering consultation, for proposed alterations to a residential dwelling in Rye, NY
OSHA Reveals Top 10 Violations for Fiscal Year 2020
On March 2nd The National Safety Council reported that “the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has announced its preliminary Top 10 most frequently cited workplace safety standards for fiscal year 2020…Although multiple standards swapped positions, the Top 10 violations from FY 2019 to FY 2020 did not change. Ladders (1926.1053) climbed to a top-five spot, and Respiratory Protection (1910.134) rose to the third rank from fifth. Additionally, the data show that Fall Protection – General Requirements (1926.501) is OSHA’s most frequently cited standard for the 10th successive fiscal year”.
Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E., F.NSPE, as an OSHA certified Forensic Engineering consultant, and as a Past Chair of the National Society of Professional Engineers PE’s in Construction Interest Group, has helped to facilitate discussions between Professional Engineers across the country on important matters such as safety in both industry and construction. As a licensed Professional Engineer, State Certified Code Enforcement Official, and OSHA certified professional, Mr. Yarmus is credentialed to consult on site safety and incident investigation matters. Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to consult with business owners, operations managers, property managers, real estate developers, builders, attorneys, contractors, insurance professionals, adjusters, and other related parties regarding site safety issues. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.
Significant changes to the 2021 International Mechanical Code
On March 8th The International Code Council published in their Building Safety Journal that “a modification to Section 307.2.1.1 (Condensate Discharge) states that significant coverage is added to the code regarding the point of disposal of condensate. Such coverage addresses what has been common practice (acceptable and unacceptable) in most jurisdictions…This new section states prohibitions on what are bad practices and also states allowances for what are considered to be acceptable practices for condensate discharge. The code was silent on these practices until now. This text expressly prohibits the connection of condensate drains directly to DWV piping and prohibits condensate from discharging into plumbing fixtures other than those listed. The intent is to prevent insanitary conditions and potential health hazards”.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. makes it a priority to remain aware and knowledgeable of ongoing building code and industry updates and similar regulatory changes so that we can incorporate same into our designs and inform our clientele of such new regulations which might affect their properties. Firm President, Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E., F.NSPE, maintains his certification as a NYS Code Enforcement Official to ensure same. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.