What’s New
The NYS Department of State’s Division of Consumer Protection recently published a Summer Safety Alert for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. We are pleased to share a copy of this informative document with you via our website here.
Recent Projects
- Consultation regarding safety and code compliance concerns at the means of egress from a resort structure located in New York’s Catskill Mountain region
- Evaluation of drainage system inadequacies and failure conditions in a Suffolk County, NY municipality
- Review of alleged non-code compliance conditions at the roof of a New York City hotel
Budgeting and the Bottom Line
In its July 2014 edition, The Cooperator reported that “preparing the annual budget is by no means an easy task. Those charged with preparing cooperative, condominium or HOA budgets will soon begin reviewing costs, gathering data and projecting expenses for the coming year. Communities, businesses, individuals, families, groups and organizations of all kinds must have a budget in place in order to navigate both everyday expenses and unexpected costs, while maintaining a certain life or business style. A well-defined, well-written budget is a powerful financial tool allowing funds to be saved and/or allocated for specific costs and projects; budgeting is a way to estimate expenses and allow for those funds to be available when needed”.
Each year Yarmus Engineering, P.C. works with property managers, accountants, building owners, condominium and co-op associations, and other building industry parties in preparing their budget forecasts by analyzing the current state, age, and condition of their property, structures, and systems, as well as in forecasting their remaining useful life and future repair and replacement needs. Our firm has been performing Physical Condition Surveys of this nature since the late 1980’s. Our clientele has included, amongst others, various local, city, and state government agencies and private and public property management corporations, including, but not limited to, the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal who helped to establish the requirements and guidelines for such surveys along with applicable Certified Public Accounting organizations. Our firm was one of only a select number of professional engineering entities who were approved and permitted to perform such surveys for facilities which were financed by the State of New York. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.
Building inspections made safer, more precise with aerial robots
On July 17th Sourceable.net reported that “researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Non-Destructive Testing IZFP in Saarbrucken, Germany are pioneering the development and adaption of small flying robots for the purpose of inspecting buildings for damage. Inspection of building conditions in a manner which is safe and convenient has become a major challenge for builders and engineers hoping to ensure the safety of these aging structures…Engineers have thus far relied on observation with the naked eye to inspect concrete for cracks. In addition to being a highly fallible procedure, it also necessitates the usage of expensive equipment such as cranes, industrial climbers or even helicopters to observe hard to reach areas”.
While Yarmus Engineering, P.C. currently utilizes conventional means of inspecting buildings, including scaffolds, lifts, telephoto zoom lenses, ladders, etc. in inspecting buildings and facilities, we are constantly monitoring new innovations and tools for conducting our work to assist us in offering the best quality services while doing our best to maintain and minimize the expenses associated with our work for the benefit our clientele. We look forward to incorporating the use of such drones into our inspection tool arsenal as they become readily available in the industry. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding any inspection needs.