What’s New
Last month we congratulated firm president, Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E., on his term as Chair of the National Professional Engineers in Construction practice division for the National Society of Professional Engineers. NYSSPE has published an article about the NYS representatives to the conference, highlighting the induction ceremony.
Recent Projects
- Forensic engineering consultation regarding a dangerous means of egress, including unsafe door closing hardware, at a multiple dwelling structure located in Brooklyn, NY
- Engineering evaluation of water intrusion and wood-destroying insect damage at a condominium complex located in Rockland County, NY
- Consultation regarding runoff conditions and leaks at a Long Island, NY parking garage structure
Funding Capital Projects
Whence Comes the Money?
In July The Cooperator New York reported that “even for a financially solvent community, a major repair or replacement project – such as a new roof, a total window replacement, or a similar big job — can trigger the same kinds of stress we feel regarding our own finances. There is the same concern about whether or not the board has put enough money aside to actually cover an emergency repair or capital improvement project. And if they haven’t, what then?… A capital project is something that happens about every 10 or 15 years, so the board should definitely be planning to fund those repairs over time – indeed, it’s part of their fiduciary duty to the building and its residents. “Many buildings have what’s called a reserve study so that they can determine when things are going to need to be replaced and how much they need to put away over time to be able to handle those repairs when they come up,” says Lauren Peddinghaus, owner of Haus Financial Services LLC in Chicago. “However, we find that a lot of buildings have failed to plan for reserves, and no money has been saved.””Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to consult with property owners, property managers, tenant associations, and related real estate entities regarding reserve studies, physical condition surveys, and other related property management issues. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.
Physical Handicap Issues
Housing Discrimination Law and
Your Co-op
On July 27th The Cooperator New York reported that “the rights of people living with physical disabilities have always been closely entwined with the issue of housing discrimination. In some instances, cases involving discrimination and the disabled have appeared on the news: Four years ago, the Florida attorney general’s office sued an association in East Naples on the behalf of a paralyzed man whose wheelchair accessible truck was parked in the driveway. Last year, the U.S. Department of Housing and Development accused a co-op in White Plains of discrimination for not allowing an exception in its procedures for a disabled person to purchase a unit”.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to design, inspect, certify, and consult with clientele regarding ADA accessibility within and to their buildings and premises. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.