What’s New
The New York State Housing Trust Fund Corporation, which works with the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal, has expressed an interest in having our firm provide Construction Monitoring and Consulting Engineer-Architectural Services for them under a 1 year contract for planned construction and rehabilitation of multi-family residential housing projects.
Recent Projects
- Consultation regarding a health club sauna room in Orange County, NY to determine compliance with applicable codes and standards.
- Evaluation for safety and proper maintenance of a NYC sidewalk adjacent to our client’s commercial business.
- Investigation into the cause of failure of a residential foundation wall in Suffolk County, NY.
Ruling Deals a Setback to Sidewalk
Injury Lawsuits in New York City
An individual falling on one of New York City’s nearly 13,000 miles of sidewalks is considered to be amongst the most frequently used grounds for filing a personal injury lawsuit against the City.
Big Apple Pothole and Sidewalk Protection Committee “Pothole Maps”, commonly used as evidence to show a defect in a sidewalk as well as required 15 day notice of the defect, has recently been ruled inaccurate and unclear by the New York Court of Appeals. Click here to view the court decision.
On January 3, 2009, The New York Times ran an interesting article regarding this issue which may be of interest to our attorney, property management, and real estate clientele. Please click here to read the article (note that you will need to register for a free NYTimes.com account to read the article).
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to assist its clients with the inspection of sidewalk areas to identify such deficiencies, as well to specify and/or oversee the repair of such conditions. Please contact our office if we can be assistance to you or your clients.
Pool And Spa Safety Law Aimed At Preventing Drain Entrapments of Children Goes Into Effect
Failure to comply with Congressionally-enacted law can result in closure
On December 19, 2007, President Bush signed into law the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act, named after the daughter of Nancy Baker and the granddaughter of former Secretary of State James Baker. Graeme Baker died in a tragic incident in June 2002 after the suction from a spa drain entrapped her under the water.
By December 19, 2008, ALL public swimming pools were required to comply with this regulation. Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is prepared to assist its clientele with ensuring compliance for its pools and spas. Please contact our office if we can be assistance to you or your clients.
The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission press release regarding this law can be viewed online at the US CPSC website at www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml09/09065.html.