Happy New Year
from the staff of Yarmus Engineering, P.C.
We hope that you had a wonderful Holiday Season,
and we look forward to continuing to assist you with
your engineering and inspection needs
in the new year.
We are grateful for your patronage of our firm.
What’s New
As colder weather descends on the northeast and homeowners receive shipments of home heating oil, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is urging homeowners to inspect heating fuel oil storage tanks for leaks or spills. To review the checklists they are providing online to assist residents in inspecting their storage tanks, please click here.
Recent Projects
- Consultation regarding water intrusion and abatement options at a property located in Westchester County, NY
- Forensic engineering consultation regarding domestic hot water heating system and scalding at a high rise building in Bronx, NY
- Certification of code compliance for municipal filing for alterations made to a structure in Rockland County, NY which were made without proper permit-filing and municipal approval
Parents Win Court Case Questioning State Review of Nursing Home Site
On December 17th The West Side Rag reported that “a judge ruled in favor of parents at PS 163 on West 97th street last week in a court case over whether the state adequately tested the environmental impact of a new 20-story nursing home set to be built next to the school. Council member Mark Levine, who has been working with the parents and introduced a bill to curb construction noise levels near schools, said the ruling is ‘a victory in the push to protect the students of PS 163.’ Parents and neighbors have fought a protracted battle against Jewish Home Lifecare to stop the nursing home construction, because they expect it to significantly disrupt the safety and learning environment of the school, which is right next to the construction site. The judge…said the state failed to properly deal with the lead contamination in the soil and construction noise impacts…To move forward, the state and JHL will have to present an amended environmental impact statement”.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to consult with property owners, real estate developers, builders, neighborhood associations, property managers, attorneys, and other related parties regarding matters involving real estate development and litigation. Our firm owns specialized equipment and maintains the expertise to measure the impact of noise at adjacent properties, dwellings, and sites. We also consult on matters involving environmental engineering issues such as lead, asbestos, radon, and electromagnetic fields. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.
Condo Inspections & Building Safety for Everyone
In their December 2015 edition The Cooperator reported on both Condo Inspections and Building Safety for Everyone. In the former, they report that “condominium associations, whether housed in a single building or in a sprawling development, provide a reliably cozy and comfortable community in which to live. But this comfort requires vigilance on the part of both board and management to ensure that the various and sundry components up to code, which can feel daunting for those on the more inexperienced side…Statutes vary state to state, city to city, and municipality to municipality—so a board must stay abreast of the precise standards that apply to its type of property and the area in which that property resides…If this all sounds like a lot of which to stay on top, that’s because, well… it could be. But with a dedicated board, a qualified property management company, skillful vendors and access to information, maintaining a safe and sturdy co-op or condo can actually be easier done than said…While staring down a litany of building-specific legalities can seem daunting—especially for the average board member, who is most likely a volunteer without substantial engineering or architectural experience—there are fortunately resources available that can make the whole thing significantly easier than it might be otherwise”.
In the latter, they report that “approximately one in three seniors suffer some type of disability, according to the last census. In a city like New York, where anything can happen—from fire, to extreme weather, to terrorism—a disaster plan is an obvious necessity for all HOAs, condos, and multifamily dwellings. Young, able-bodied individuals generally do not focus on safety or security until an event or occasion shows a need for concern, but those living with mental or physical handicaps, or other health restrictions, need to be aware of the challenges presented by everyday living, and emergency situations. Children and teenagers, another vulnerable part of a community, often live side by side with seniors. They may also need special consideration during an emergency. Most condominiums, multifamily buildings, and planned communities have policies and procedures in place for emergency evacuations and alerts, but a proactive plan to insure everyone’s safety and security before disaster strikes isn’t static. Annual reviews, updates, and revisions will be required to keep everyone safe, healthy and out of harm’s way. Boards, property managers and the residents themselves all have a role to play in making sure everyone is taken care of in the event of an emergency situation”.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to consult with property owners, managers, tenant associations, and related real estate entities regarding condominiums, cooperatives, and other types of structures regarding building code requirements, property maintenance, ADA requirements and standards, emergency preparedness plans, and other related property management matters. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.