Happy New Year
from the staff of Yarmus Engineering, P.C.
We hope that you had a wonderful Holiday Season,
and we look forward to continuing to assist you with
your engineering and inspection needs
in the new year.
We are grateful for your patronage of our firm.
What’s New
The New York City Council has voted to ban the use of natural gas in new buildings. The law would apply to new buildings under seven stories high at the end of 2023 and those over seven stories in 2027. Read more about this news here.
Recent Projects
- Engineering site safety consultation regarding the domestic hot water system at a Westchester County multiple dwelling structure
- Forensic engineering consultation regarding a construction site accident which occurred during the demolition of an electrical installation, including cited to violations of NYS Labor Law and supporting provisions of NYS Industrial Code Rule 23 for a worksite located in New York City
- Structural engineering consultation regarding deficiencies at a residential structure located in Rockland County, NY
Managing Safety on Multi-Employer Work Sites
On December 13th The American Society of Safety Professionals reported that “construction sites are busy places. On any given day, you’ll find laborers, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, pipefitters, iron workers and others performing tasks across a potentially vast work site. With so many workers, often from different employers, performing potentially hazardous tasks, how can you ensure everyone is operating safely and understands their responsibilities to identify and mitigate those hazards?…ANSI/ASSP A10.33-2020 voluntary consensus standard sets safety and health program requirements for multi-employer projects, including establishing roles and responsibilities for all involved, and confirming that each team member knows how to address hazards they may encounter”.
Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E., F.NSPE, as an OSHA certified Forensic Engineering consultant, and as a Past Chair of the National Society of Professional Engineers PE’s in Construction Interest Group, has helped to facilitate discussions between Professional Engineers across the country on important matters such as safety in both industry and construction. As a licensed Professional Engineer, State Certified Code Enforcement Official, and OSHA certified professional, Mr. Yarmus is credentialed to consult on site safety and incident investigation matters. Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to consult with business owners, operations managers, property managers, real estate developers, builders, attorneys, contractors, insurance professionals, adjusters, and other related parties regarding site safety issues. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.
Protecting the Public From Construction Hazards
On December 16th The American Society of Safety Professionals reported that “construction safety goes beyond protecting workers. You also have to protect the public. Construction projects happen in different environments, and you have to consider the people and property in those environments and how the work may impact them…ANSI/ASSP A10.34-2021 standard provides best practices for protecting the public on or adjacent to construction sites, and identifies different construction hazards that can endanger the people, property and environment surrounding the job site”.
Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E., F.NSPE, as an OSHA certified Forensic Engineering consultant, and as a Past Chair of the National Society of Professional Engineers PE’s in Construction Interest Group, has helped to facilitate discussions between Professional Engineers across the country on important matters such as site safety. As a licensed Professional Engineer, State Certified Code Enforcement Official, and OSHA certified professional, Mr. Yarmus is credentialed to consult on site safety and incident investigation matters. Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to consult with business owners, operations managers, property managers, real estate developers, builders, attorneys, contractors, insurance professionals, adjusters, and other related parties regarding site safety issues. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.