What’s New
The 2015 International Residential Code has been modified to require that retaining walls, freestanding walls not supported at the top, with more than 48 inches of unbalanced backfill, must be designed by an engineer. Retaining walls resisting additional lateral loads and with more than 24 inches of unbalanced backfill must also be designed in accordance with accepted engineering practice. Click here for additional information .
Recent Projects
- Structural engineering design services regarding the alteration of a retail store in Westchester County, NY
- Forensic engineering consultation regarding a hot water scald accident at a multiple dwelling building located in Queens, NY
- Consultation regarding water intrusion and drainage concerns at a residential building on the Upper East Side of New York City
64 lawsuits in two months: Are recent ADA suits “drive-by” litigation or a tool to help the disabled?
On February 13th The Denver Post reported that “a gubernatorial appointee who chairs the Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council has filed dozens of lawsuits against small businesses over the past two months claiming they violate federal disability laws. The 64 lawsuits filed so far…are nearly identical in content and scope to scores of others filed in U.S. District Court last year in Colorado – and thousands of others filed in federal courts nationwide the past few years… Often called “drive-by lawsuits,” they rely on the Americans with Disabilities Act and are often filed by disabled people or their caretakers. Each lawsuit typically alleges a range of ADA violations such as the height of a bathroom mirror, the location or wording of handicapped-accessible parking signs, or the placement of toilet-paper holders”.Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to design, inspect, certify, and consult with clientele regarding ADA accessibility within and to their buildings and premises. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.
Top 5 Things You Need To Know About The Internet Of Things And Property Management
On February 16th Forbes.com reported that “the IDC predicts that the Internet of Things — the connection of physical objects, people and places through computing devices all over the world — will be worth $1.7 trillion by 2020. Gartner projects a swing up to 13.5 billion “connected things” by the same year. As demand and supply rocket upward neck-and-neck, top-speed, highly capable WiFi will be the cornerstone of the next four years”. They went on to opine that “smart buildings are quickly becoming the standard — especially in the commercial sector”.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to consult with building and home owners, property managers, employers, real estate developers, builders, contractors, insurance professionals, adjusters, building superintendents, and other related parties regarding their incorporation of such technology into their buildings and systems, and how same might affect and benefit their properties. In fact, we have been integrating such technologies into our own office and homes, and have become familiar with the benefits that doing so have afforded us. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.