What’s New
Please join us in congratulating firm president, Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E., on his selection as a Fellow of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), a designation which honors active Society members who demonstrate exemplary service to their profession, their Society, and their community, an honor which has been bestowed upon only slightly more than 1% of the membership.
Recent Projects
- Forensic engineering consultation regarding Labor Law claims on a NYC construction site
- Engineering consultation regarding a fire at a multiple dwelling structure, and the resulting structural collapse, at a property located in the Bronx
- Evaluation of the coefficient of friction at the entrance steps of a Westchester County, NY public housing complex
Prevent Through Design: For Hazards in Construction
On April 23rd The American Society of Safety Engineers opined that “fatalities and serious incidents that occur in construction work can be directly linked to the level of prevention incorporated into the planning and design of the project…Preventing occupational injuries, illnesses or fatalities in construction has often driven industry to make changes. Construction companies continually face increased competition, rapidly changing technology and reduced access to limited resources. Under these conditions, OSH (Occupational Safety and Health) efforts to ensure a safe and healthy work environment must compete with other organizational needs…Thus, the challenge for OSH professionals is to communicate the value of OSH efforts in terms that are understood and accepted”.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to consult with building and unit owners, property managers, employers, real estate developers, builders, attorneys, contractors, insurance professionals, adjusters, building superintendents, and other related parties regarding site safety matters. Our firm’s staff has been recognized as experts in this field, and has provided “expert witness” testimony on such matters in courts located in various states. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.
What are the challenges facing construction engineers?
On April 24th ASCE SmartBrief reported that “with the exceptions of graduates from construction engineering and construction management B.S. degree programs, most civil engineers are provided with very little formal project management education. Nevertheless, they will all be expected to produce cost estimates and project schedules, and deal with contracts throughout their careers…The industry right now is delivering projects at a faster pace than we did 30 years ago, and that results in much higher levels of project cost and schedule uncertainty. Alternative contracting methods have been introduced over the last 20 years to help construction engineers manage uncertainty through increasing levels of collaboration and integration among the project stakeholders including the constructor, the designer, and the project owner. Understanding how these contractual tools can be best applied to optimize specific project delivery objectives is key to managing uncertainty during project delivery”.
Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E., as Chair of the National Society of Professional Engineers PE’s in Construction Interest Group, is helping to facilitate discussions between Professional Engineers across the country on such important matters in the construction industry. Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to consult with property managers, real estate developers, builders, attorneys, contractors, insurance professionals, adjusters, and other related parties regarding such construction management issues. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.