What’s New
This year’s Lower Hudson Valley Engineering EXPO will be held on Sunday, April 7th at White Plains High School. As one of the founding members of the EXPO, Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E. is thrilled with the growth of this event year after year. An event flyer can be downloaded here if you wish to advertise, support, and/or attend the event.
Recent Projects
- Forensic Engineering services regarding plumbing and OSHA confined space issues for a case involving the death of municipal employees in Westchester County, NY
- Consultation regarding chiller system damage and system component failures at a New York City university
- Assisted a Rockaway Beach (Queens), NY homeowner regarding mold growth and damage sustained as a result of “Super-storm” Sandy
ASCE report grades U.S. infrastructure at D+
On March 19th The New York Times reported that “the nation’s infrastructure is crumbling a little bit less. America’s roads, bridges, water systems and energy networks have long been in poor repair. The American Society of Civil Engineers, which releases a report every four years that evaluates the problem in a letter-grade format, awarded the nation a “D” in its last report, published in 2009. The latest Report Card for America’s Infrastructure, released Tuesday, has an unexpected bit of qualified good news: the grade has inched up to a D+. It is the first time in the 15 years that the engineering organization has conducted its study that the grade has improved”.
Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E., as the current President of the Rockland County Chapter of the New York State Society of Professional Engineers (NYSSPE), and as a founding board member of the Lower Hudson Valley Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), has planned and hosted a variety of technical lectures for both engineers and the general public regarding the state of America’s infrastructure, and is currently planning a meeting for the Professional Engineers of Rockland County regarding infrastructure within the County. Please contact our office if you are interested in attending the upcoming infrastructure, or if we can otherwise be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.
Mercury Rising in Connected Thermostat Market
On January 25th Gigaom reported that connected, “smart” thermostats are some of the hottest devices in the home electronics marketplace. The technology is getting a lot of attention from both large and small players. An example is Nest Lab’s Learning Thermostat, which is being marketed directly to consumers with a philosophy that the thermostat has a prominent place in homes. Other companies are trying to attract utilities.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to inspect and consult regarding heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, as well as their system components, and we are very interested in and monitor the latest innovations in integrating technology into systems, buildings, and homes. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.