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April 2010 Newsletter

What’s New

Yarmus Engineering, P.C. was selected by the NYC School Construction Authority Office of the Inspector General to review the adequacy of certain plumbing and fire suppression system renovations made in certain recently renovated schools.

Recent Projects

  • Consultation regarding construction deficiencies in a West Haverstraw, NY structure
  • Review of the circumstances involved in the collapse of trusses and framing in a Columbia County, NY church
  • Consultation regarding EIFS facades and interior mold growth at a residential complex in Peekskill, NY

Engineering Touted As A Profession That Saves Lives

In an opinion piece titled, “Heroes of engineering,” after mentioning firefighters and doctors performing their duties in places such as the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, Elizabeth Payne wrote in the Ottawa Citizen that “engineers also perform heroic work that saves lives. The Haitian earthquake demonstrated this in a tragic way.” The event was “a devastating example of how engineering saves lives and how the lack of engineering expertise costs lives. In Chile, which was hit with a much more powerful earthquake last month than Haiti’s,” the number of victims was much lower. “Chile, like the United States, has an infrastructure designed to better withstand earthquakes.” In other examples of engineers’ contribution, “structural engineers have assessed [Haitian] buildings to see whether they are safe or should be demolished. One group is helping to train Haitian engineers and architects in seismic engineering.”.

The March 13, 2010 edition of the Ottawa Citizen contains the full text of Ms. Payne’s editorial.  Please click here to read the rest of the article.

The staff of Yarmus Engineering, P.C. makes itself available to educate the youth of the tri-state area on the field of engineering.  Please contact our office if you would like us to speak and/or present at a school or community group in your area. 

Reduced Costs, Construction Times Convince High-End Buyers To Accept Modular Houses 

The Washington Post reports that the stigma of modular homes is “being blown away for members of the money-conscious Lexus set,” who are now ordering “their dream homes off the shelf with coffered ceilings, geothermal heat pumps and even a shaft for an elevator for at least 15 percent less money and in less than half the time it takes to build a traditional custom house.” While some see this as “the future of…home building,” others who “watched in horror as McMansions replace postwar bungalows” think of the trend as “another blot on the landscape threatening to multiply.” After seeing their business drop during recession, design professionals “are teaming up with manufacturers across the country, designing lines of Georgians, Federals, Mediterraneans and more. Computer-driven drafting is mapping out prefab rooms with the ease of a Lego game”.

Please click here to read the full text of this article in the March 4, 2010 edition of The Washington Post.

Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to provide consultations and design services for modular homes.  Although such structures are typically designed and manufactured out of state, the foundations for such installations must be designed by a professional licensed in the state in which it is to be installed.  Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients. 

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