What’s New
Mr. Yarmus provided Expert Witness testimony in a Labor Law, Industrial Code Rule 23, and Construction Management case which resulted in a liability verdict and $850,000 damages settlement in favor of our client.
Recent Projects
- Certification of code compliance for the alteration of and addition to a residential structure located in Orange County, NY
- • Investigation into what caused domestic hot water supply to reach scalding temperatures which resulted in an infant suffering 2nd degree burns in Queens, NY
- • Pre-purchase inspection of a foreclosed single family home in Rockland County, NY
Utility Company Sued for $200 million Over Lead-Contaminated Tap Water
On February 18, 2009, the AP reported that, “A single father is suing the D.C. Water and Sewer Authority for $200 million, claiming lead-contaminated tap water poisoned his twin sons as infants, causing them ongoing health problems.” The plaintiff claimed that “the water utility between 2001 and 2004 hid elevated levels of lead from customers and federal authorities.” According to a lawsuit filed in D.C. Superior Court, which “seeks class-action status,” the utility company “failed to take steps to remedy the situation, omitted language from public education campaigns that would have warned people about the problem and continued to encourage residents to drink the water.” Notably, “the complaint comes on the heels of a study that determined hundreds of D.C. children might be at risk of irreversible IQ loss, developmental delays and behavioral problems linked to the lead levels.”
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to assist its clientele with the inspection, evaluation, and testing of lead in water, paint, piping, and solder. Please contact our office if we can be assistance to you or your clients.
Plan would overhaul regulation of NYC high-rise construction
Two deadly crane collapses in New York City in 2008 led to substantial changes in the administration and procedures of the local building department. New DOB Commissioner Robert D. LiMandri recently announced a plan to overhaul how Crane and Hoist, Excavation, and Concrete Operations are regulated and carried out in the city. Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E., president of our firm, has been extended a personal invitation by the NYC Department of Buildings to participate in a discussion with other leading members of the construction and engineering industries on the proposed Special Inspection requirements and Accreditation programs.
On February 3, 2009, The New York Times ran an interesting article regarding this issue which may be of interest to our attorney, property management, and real estate clientele. Please click here to read the article (note that you will need to register for a free NYTimes.com account to read the article).
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to assist its clients with the inspection, evaluation, and management of construction within the City of New York or any of the regions of the tri-state area in which we offer our services. Please contact our office if we can be assistance to you or your clients.