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November 2020 Newsletter

What’s New

New York City’s annual energy efficiency letter grade sign program officially went into effect on October 1st. Going forward, all NYC buildings over 25,000 square feet will receive a letter grade reflecting their city-verified energy efficiency. Building owners were required to begin displaying the letter grades at every public entrance of the building by the end of October. Click here for additional information.

Recent Projects

  • Forensic engineering consultation regarding a mechanical failure of a driveable Vertical Mast Lift which resulted in a construction site accident in NYC
  • Building code consultation and forensic engineering analysis of a trip and fall accident in a multi-family dwelling located in Sullivan County, NY
  • Building code analysis, coefficient of friction evaluation, illumination measurement, and forensic engineering consultation regarding a slip and fall accident in a dwelling located in Ulster County, NY

Safety News You Need: Incident Investigation

On October 15th the American Society of Safety Professionals reported that “when incidents occur, it’s the job of safety professionals to determine what happened and how, and what steps the organization needs to take to prevent a similar event from happening again”. Their weekly Safety News You Need “highlights what incident investigations can tell you about workplace incidents and how you can use it to prevent recurrence:

  • To conduct an effective investigation, you first have to understand the who, what, when, where, why and how of the investigation process. Learn the basics of conducting an incident investigation and why they are so important to the outcome. Read more
  • In the aftermath of an incident, you need to focus on getting workers the care they need, assessing the scene and investigating the causes so you can take corrective action. Taking these nine steps can improve your investigation approach. Learn more
  • The key determining why an incident occurred is asking the right questions. These sample questions offer guidance on how to collect the information you need to determine incident causes and make your workplace safer. Read more
  • A root-cause analysis allows you to dig deeper into the incident causes and examine factors that may not be visible on the surface. Follow these seven steps to get to the root of your incidents. Read more

Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E., F.NSPE, as a Past Chair of the National Society of Professional Engineers PE’s in Construction Interest Group, and current President-Elect of the NYS Society of Professional Engineers, has helped to facilitate discussions between Professional Engineers across the country on important matters such as safety in both construction and general industry.  As a licensed Professional EngineerState Certified Code Enforcement Official, and OSHA certified professional, Mr. Yarmus is credentialed to consult on site safety and incident investigation matters.  Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to consult with construction managers, contractors, site safety managers, employers, attorneys, insurance professionals, and other related parties regarding such site safety and incident investigation issues.  Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.

Safety News You Need: Job Hazard Analysis

On October 8th the American Society of Safety Professionals reported that “every work task has potential hazards. Assessing those hazards allows you to implement controls and train workers how to mitigate those hazards to prevent injuries, illnesses and fatalities”. Their weekly Safety News You Need “highlights tools to help you conduct a job hazard analysis (JHA):

  • COVID-19 has brought increased attention to the steps needed to protect the health of workers and the public. Use this guide to identify worker exposure risk levels and corrective actions you can take in your workplace. Read more
  • A JHA requires planning and a knowledge of the steps of an analysis to be effective. Learn the steps you need to take to prepare to conduct a JHA and four keys to an effective process. Learn more
  • A JHA requires you to examine each step of a particular process and assess how each step could present hazards and risks to workers. Using a template can guide you through the JHA process and identify how you can make processes and procedures safer. Read more
  • Understanding the hazards associated with different tasks provides a foundation for developing solutions to improve worker safety and health. Learn the six main categories of workplace hazards, examples of those hazards and how you can effectively manage them. Read more

Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E., F.NSPE, as a Past Chair of the National Society of Professional Engineers PE’s in Construction Interest Group, and current President-Elect of the NYS Society of Professional Engineers, has helped to facilitate discussions between Professional Engineers across the country on important matters such as safety in both construction and general industry.  As a licensed Professional EngineerState Certified Code Enforcement Official, and OSHA certified professional, Mr. Yarmus is credentialed to consult on site safety and incident investigation matters.  Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to consult with construction managers, contractors, site safety managers, employers, attorneys, insurance professionals, and other related parties regarding such site safety and job hazard analysis issues.  Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.

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