What’s New
At its August 19th leadership meeting, the NYS Code Council failed to include certain residential sprinkler requirements while adopting the 2015 International Residential Code (IRC) for New York state; the debate over sprinklers in new 1 & 2 family homes in NYS continues.
Recent Projects
- Consultation regarding overhead door safety at a Westchester County, NY multiple dwelling complex
- Forensic engineering consultation regarding environmental hazards at a tri-state area sports and entertainment arena
- Evaluation of sidewalk safety conditions at the premises of a Westchester County, NY supermarket
Report gives NY’s sewers, roads and bridges poor marks
On September 29, 2015 Newsday reported that “The New York chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers has given a C- grade to the state’s infrastructure. The chapter’s report was particularly critical of the state’s bridges, roads and wastewater, giving each a grade of D. “We are living with and using infrastructure that our grandparents and great-grandparents invested in,” said ASCE former president Andy Herrmann”.
As President-Elect of the Lower Hudson Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E. has copies of the report pamphlet which was issued to summarize the results of this study. Please contact our office if you would like additional information regarding the study, or your own copy of the report pamphlet.
OSHA Extends Comment Period For Injury Reporting Rule
On September 23rd Inusrance Journal reported that “that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration extended the deadline to October 28 to submit comments on a proposed rule the agency claims ‘clarifies an employer’s continuing obligation to make and maintain an accurate record of each recordable injury and illness.’ The proposed rule is available online by clicking here.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. endeavors to remain aware of such changes in regulations, and is available to provide consulting, inspection, and forensic engineering services with regards to worker-safety. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.