What’s New
We are pleased to announce that Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E. will be honored with a Presidential Citation by the New York State Society of Professional Engineers at an event being held at the Palisades Mall in West Nyack, NY on September 17th.
Recent Projects
- Design the removal and replacement of breakfast nook “greenhouse” enclosures for units throughout a Nanuet, NY condominium development
- Review of conditions, work procedures, and applicable standards regarding an incident where a worker was killed after falling from a scaffold in Queens, NY
- We have been contacted to design a support system for the vent piping of a radon mitigation system in a chain store in Westchester County
Buildings require more inspections
The collapse of a 1,250 square foot section of a steel and glass roof in Massachusetts this summer, in addition to other similar collapses in NYC, raised a troubling issue – the apparent lack of inspections of existing structures that serve the public. There is no doubt that serious injuries or even deaths could have resulted from the roof collapse had it failed while the structure was filled with customers. Fortunately, workers and visitors heard suspicious noises as the roof began to fail, and they were able to successfully evacuate the building just prior to the collapse.
On August 4, 2009, The Lowell Sun opined that “many buildings, although private, service the public. There are restaurants, stores, movie theaters, malls, indoor play centers, skating centers and many other venues the public frequents daily. Shouldn’t customers feel confident that they are safe when they enter such establishments”? They continued by urging that “legislators…file a bill requiring that such buildings be inspected at least every 10 years, and preferably every five years, by a certified building inspector”. Please click here to read the full article, including their arguments for such inspections, despite the anticipated increased costs for building owners.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to provide such inspections for building owners and property managers. Such routine inspections will not only provide peace of mind for those in charge of building maintenance, but may also disclose conditions related to damage, deterioration, and failure while they may be simply repaired, and before they require major capital improvement work due to deferred maintenance. Please contact our office if we can be assistance to you or your clients.
NYC Council passes legislation
requiring bicycle entry in buildings
On July 29, 2009, the New York City Council passed Intro 871-a which requires commercial building owners and managers to allow for bicycle entry by employees and building tenants. The legislation seeks to address one of the main obstacles of bicycle commuting – the inability of individuals to park their bicycles in a secure location close to work. Click here to read Commissioner’s LiMandri’s statement on the passage of the bill.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to provide consultations and design services to assist its NYC clients in complying with this regulation. Please contact our office if we can be assistance to you or your clients.