What’s New
Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E., F.NSPE, as President of the Lower Hudson Valley Branch of ASCE, is helping to host an event on September 12th in White Plains which will review and discuss the $7.9B project to overhaul LaGuardia Airport. Please click here for additional information if you have an interest in this event.
Recent Projects
- Forensic engineering consultation regarding a trip and fall at sidewalk cellar doors in Brooklyn, NY
- Consultation regarding construction site safety conditions at a New York City property
- Evaluation of a ceiling collapse in Bronx, NY
NYS Notice of Adoption: Condition Assessments of Parking Garages
Effective August 29, 2018
The Department of State has adopted a rule that requires cities, towns, villages, counties, and State agencies that are responsible for administering and enforcing the NYS Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code to require the owners of parking garages to obtain operating permits to operate such parking garages and have periodic condition assessments of those parking garages performed by qualified professional engineers. Click here for the full text of the Rule.
The NYS Society of Professional Engineers actively lobbied the state to ensure that inspections by NYS licensed Professional Engineers be a part of this process. Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is pleased to remain active and involved in the effort to protect public safety via Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E., F.NSPE‘s leadership role in NYSSPE, as both Vice President of the Mid-Hudson Region and Treasurer of the organization. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.
A Real-Time Map Tracks the Building Frenzy That’s Transforming New York
On August 21st The New York Times reported “just walk down any street these days for a New York experience as authentic — and unavoidable — as gridlock and dollar pizza: construction…Now there is a handy way to keep track of it…The New York City buildings department has created an online construction map that tracks every major project across the five boroughs in real time — there were 7,425 of them as of Tuesday — making it easier to look up where all that hammering and banging is coming from, and to find out who exactly is responsible for disturbing the neighborhood peace”.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. makes it a priority to remain aware and knowledgeable of ongoing construction and building industry developments, initiatives, and code updates so that we can incorporate same into our designs and inform our clientele of such new developments which might affect their properties. Firm President, Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E., F.NSPE, maintains his certification as a NYS Code Enforcement Official in order to help ensure same. Please contact our office to discuss how we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.